LOWEL Rifa eX 88 Kit
Part: LC98Z
List: $1240
eX 88 is the largest of the Lowel Rifa eXchange family. Its diffusion
screen measures 32" square, making its output very soft. Use it with
its supplied TH-X1000 lamphead and max. 1000w lamp for highest output,
or switch to 750 or 500w lamps for decreased output with the same level
of softness. Its 60 second set-up gets you lighting quickly, while its
collapsed size allows it to fit into many of our smaller kits &
Now enhanced with the abilities of the Rifa eXchange System, this light
can quickly swap to accessory lampheads for lower wattage AC / DC
tungsten-halogen, or to use screw-threaded daylight fluorescents.
*Dedicated softlight fixture with removable 750w lamphead centered in
collapsible silver aluminized high temperature Nomex® housing.
*105 - 1000w available Tungsten-halogen range when combined with
accessory X300 lamphead. Other lamphead options for screw-in daylight
fluorescent or incadescent also available.
*Umbrella-like design for quick 60 second setup & strike.
*State of the art woven glass fabric front diffuser offers exceptional heat resistance. Front diffuser must always be used.
*Light controlled with fold-up accessory fabric Egg Crates.
*A variety of kit options are available.
*Other accessories include fabric Egg Crates, Balance Bar for more
versatile positioning, plus many standard Lowel mounting accessories.
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second setup and beautiful soft output from our largest single light
Rifa kit. Perfect for quick 1 light closeup interviews or small
tabletop sets. 1 Rifa 88, plus KS Stand and expandable shoulder carried
Tube Case, or soft case option. Supplied with lamp.
All Rifa's have been updated to the new Rifa eXchange System, with expanded abilities thru quick exchange accessory lampheads.
1 Rifa eX 88 (LC-88EX)
1 1000w, 120v lamp (FEL)
1 KS Stand (KS)
1 DP Lampak (D2-61)
1 Rifa Large Tube Case (R1-83)